Ictiofauna asociada a ambientes coralinos mesofóticos, usando video remoto de bajo costo en el Parque Nacional Natural Corales de Profundidad, Caribe colombiano
https://doi.org/10.22370/rbmo.2023.58.2.4221Palabras clave:
Mesophotic coral ecosystems, reef fish community, deep-sea corals, marine protected areaResumen
The fish community inhabiting mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCE) at Corales de Profundidad National Natural Park (CPNNP), Colombian Caribbean Sea was described. Most of the species (89%) are common in shallow reef environments of an adjacent Marine Protected Area. Halichoeres maculipinna, Prognathodes aculeatus, Serranus luciopercanus and Lactophrys trigonus were recorded for the first time at CPNNP. The healthy and highly resilient characteristics of MCE is confirmed with the taxonomic composition of the found fishes. The information presented in this study provides data and techniques that help to complement the baseline of fish’s assemblages associated with mesophotic coral ecosystems in the Colombian Caribbean Sea.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Milena Benavides-Serrato, Alejandro Henao-Castro, Milena Marrugo
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