ISSN 0719-4234
- 2023 update -
Please submit your original paper through our online system following the links above.
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Once you obtain your username and password, log in and click "Author". Then "Start a new submission".
Complete the form with all your personal information requested, both in Spanish and in English: institutional or personal address, brief biography, full name of the institution (not acronyms). Please indicate your ORCID ID (if you have one). You can include it later by editing your personal data.
Fill the form with all the requested metadata of the paper (title, summary, keywords and others), in English and Spanish (or in the original language in which you wrote the article), and strictly according to the guidelines indicated below.
- ARTICLES - Preparation of the manuscript
Manuscripts should be sent ready for double blind review (no name, institutional affiliation or other references to the author). The authors must indicate the thematic area for the blind review. For example: 'logic', 'political philosophy'; 'philosophy of science'; 'epistemology; 'metaphysics; 'ethics'; etc.
The submission must be in Microsoft Word and PDF files, especially if you make a significant use of mathematical or logical notation in your paper.
Ensuring a Blind Review
To clear metadata from an individual file in Windows:
In some versions of Word this option is found in: the Microsoft Office button (main menu), Prepare, Inspect document.
To Remove Metadata from a PDF using Adobe Acrobat:
The Structure
1. Title in original language (if English, you must translate it into Spanish)
2. Abstract in original language (if English, you must translate it into Spanish)
3. Keywords in the original language (if English, you must translate them into Spanish). They should include at least 5 words that are not included in the title
4. Title in English
5. Abstract in English
6. Keywords in English. At least 5 that are not included in the title
7. Introduction
8. Body of the paper (sections and subsections)
9. Conclusion
10. Bibliographic references.
1) Maximum length of the article is 10,000 words, including the abstract, footnotes and references.
2) Maximum length of the abstract is 300 words.
If the manuscript includes images they should be attached in a separate file in high quality jpg format. If the images are not sufficiently clear, the editors reserve the right to exclude them from the publication. The author must also send the corresponding permission to use the image if it does not belong to the author or is not free of copyright.
The author must clear the file of metadata in order to guarantee the blind review.
Typography and others
All text in Times New Roman font, size 12 point and single line spacing.
The different sections of the text should be numbered and in bold. Do not inden the section title.
Neither bold nor underlining should be used inside the text.
Footnotes in Times New Roman font, size 10, single line spacing.
Do not indent the beginning of paragraphs.
Important: The titles and subtitles in Spanish should only be capitalized in the first letter of the first word. You should not start each word with a capital letter, except for proper names. Also do not use capital letters for the entire title. In English you can start the word of the titles in capital letter but following the rule for English titles.
References should appear at the end of the document under the heading of "References" and organized in alphabetical order.
The Author-Date System must be used.
VERY IMPORTANT: You must indicate the DOI registration for references (all articles, books, reviews, etc.); if it is not possible, indicate the entire URLs, for example: https://doi.org/10.22370/rhv2014iss4
Only those publications that have been used for the manuscript and that are specifically cited in the work should be included.
According to the style indicated, the bibliographical references must be inserted within the text, indicating in parentheses only the author's surname, year of publication and the page (s).
The bibliography should come at the end of the article in alphabetical order, repeating the surnames in the case of several books or articles by the same author, followed by the year of publication corresponding to the bibliographic reference indicated in the article. Texts by the same author must be ordered according to their order of appearance.
Citations within the text of the manuscript (Author-Date Style)
When the quotation has less than 40 words, it should be included within the text, in quotation marks and without italics. A period (full stop) should be written at the end of the quotation and its data.
If the citation has more than 40 words, the text is written as a block, without quotation marks, on a separate line, with indentation. At the end of the quotation the period is placed before the data.
The volume of quotations should not exceed 10% of the total text.
Footnotes (Very Important)
Notes should be placed at the bottom of the page and numbered consecutively.
We recommend keeping the number and length of footnotes to a minimum. It is preferable that each footnote should be no longer than two lines and that the total number of footnotes in the article should not exceed 10.
We recommend not including bibliographical references or citations in footnotes.
Tables, graphs, figures and charts
Tables or charts should be presented in the body of the text. They must be accompanied by their corresponding title and legend and numbered consecutively, in Times New Roman font and size 10 point.
The figures or graphs should be presented in high quality PNG or JPEG files.
The submitted book reviews must be from recently published books, from the current year.
A full book review may concern only one book or monograph or several works. Its length is about 750-1000 words (use 12-point Times New Roman, and defer to the Author-Date Manual of Style for questions of formatting). It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work.
The most important point in developing a book review is to address the Journal’s readership: international and interdisciplinary. The review should consider:
The header of your review should include:
At the end of your review, please include:
- Quotes -
Quote inside the text:
Frege (1879, p. 44) or (Frege 1879, p. 44), as applicable.
Heidegger (1939, pp. 31-45) or (Heidegger 1939, pp. 31-45)
If it is more than one reference in the same quote:
Frege (1879; 1901) or (Frege 1879; 1901).
If the author has more than one publication per year, they are differentiated with lowercase letters according to their order of appearance. Example:
Frege (1879a; 1879b) or (Frege 1879a; 1879b)
Frege (1879b, p. 34) or (Frege 1879b, p. 34)
When the cited book has more than one author:
Two authors: Frege y Dedekind (1879, p. 44 ) or
(Frege y Dedekind 1879, p. 44)
Three authors: Frege, Dedekind y Peano (1879, p. 44) or
(Frege, Dedekind y Peano 1879, p. 44)
More than three: Frege et al. (2006) or (Frege et al. 2006)
- Bibliography -
The bibliography should come at the end of the article in alphabetical order, repeating the surnames in the case of several books or articles by the same author, followed by the year of publication corresponding to the bibliographic reference indicated in the article. Texts by the same author must be ordered according to their order of appearance.
Surname(s), Name(s) (year). Title. Publisher.
One author:
Carnap, Rudolf (1947). Meaning and Necessity. Chicago University Press.
Two authors:
Redmond, J., & Fontaine, M. (2011). How to Play Dialogues. An Introduction to Dialogical Logic. College Publications.
Three or more authors:
Lorenzen, P, Lorenz, K., & Rahman, S. (1978). Dialogische Logik. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Book with editor(s)
Gabriel, G., Hermes, H., Kambartel, F., Thiel, C., Veraart, A., McGuinness, B., & Kaal, H. (Eds.) (1980). Gottlob Frege. Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence. Basil Blackwell.
Book chapters
One author:
Rowe, D. (2000). The Calm Before the Storm: Hilbert’s Early Viewson Foundations. In F. E. A. Hendricks (Ed.), Proof Theory. History and Philosophical Significance (pp. 55-94). Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Two or more authors:
Knuuttila, T., & Merz, M. (2009). Understanding by Modeling An Objectual Approach. In H. W. de Regt, S. Leonelli, K. Eigner (Eds.), Scientific Understanding. Philosophical Perspectives (pp. 146-168). University of Pittsburgh Press.
Journal articles
Surname(s), Name(s) (year). Paper title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages. doi.
One author:
Cummins, R. (1975). Functional Analysis. The Journal of Philosophy, 72(20), 741-765. https://doi.org/10.2307/2024640
Two or more authors:
de Regt, H. W., & Dieks, D. (2005). A contextual approach to scientific understanding. Synthese, 144(1), 137-170. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-005-5000-4
Online references
Blanchette, P. (2012). The Frege-Hilbert Controversy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/frege-hilbert/
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