From the 6th Thesis on Feuerbach to a (Marxist) principle of individuation

Etienne Balibar and the “ontology of relation”


  • Vicente Montenegro Universidad de Los Lagos



relational ontology, transindividual, Simondon, anthropological differences, forms of individuality


This paper analyses Etienne Balibar’s thesis of an “ontology of relation”, considering two moments of his theoretical production: his reading of Marx’s 6th thesis on Feuerbach as the grounds for a relational ontology or a thought on transindividuality; and an analysis of the development of this thesis in terms of what Balibar calls “anthropological differences”. Following Balibar, in this paper I suggest that the basic theoretical elements of a thought on transindividuality can be found in both Althusser and Balibar’s contributions to Lire Le Capital (1965), which opens the possibility of conceiving a “Marxist principle of individuation”. I conclude by discussing the limits and the effects of Balibar’s proposal


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2023-05-31 — Updated on 2023-06-02


How to Cite

Montenegro, V. (2023). From the 6th Thesis on Feuerbach to a (Marxist) principle of individuation: Etienne Balibar and the “ontology of relation”. Revista De Humanidades De Valparaíso, (21), 83–105. (Original work published May 31, 2023)




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