Hatred and Anger: A Conceptual Analysis and Practical Effects. A tribute to Jonathan Haidt


  • Guillermo Lariguet Universidad Nacional del Litoral




emotions, hatred, anger, conceptual analysis, practical effects


This work intends to study the status of some emotions in a practical environment. I shall focus specifically on two: anger and hatred. My first objective will be to show that the distinction between the two is not as simple as might appear at first sight. This is because, as I will show, anger and hatred appear to be neighboring emotions. It is therefore necessary to analyze them conceptually to pull aside the veils of appearance and thus identify their relevant differences. My second objective is to show that the conceptual distinction I seek is not in pursuit of a merely analytical interest. I shall claim that the conceptual differences here have a practical impact, especially in the political environment, because anger and hatred should be dealt with differently in the realm of democracies.


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2022-05-30 — Updated on 2022-06-15


How to Cite

Lariguet, G. (2022). Hatred and Anger: A Conceptual Analysis and Practical Effects. A tribute to Jonathan Haidt. Revista De Humanidades De Valparaíso, (19), 107–123. https://doi.org/10.22370/rhv2022iss19pp107-123 (Original work published May 30, 2022)



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