Communist Becomings


  • Sergio Fiedler Universidad de Playa Ancha



communism, performativity, eternity, espectrality, rent


More than 30 years after the fall of the soviet block and because of the social and political crisis that have occurred in various places of the world in recent years, there have been important political and academic debates about the meaning of the concept of communism.  The current article attempts to contribute theoretically to this discussion by highlighting the different becomings within which communism can be understood in the actual context. Among those are the performative importance of the word “communism” in political and symbolic terms; communism as a process that precedes and modulates capitalist development; communism as a specter and multiplicity; and the relationship of communism with new forms of capitalist exploitation and political subjectivity.


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2022-05-30 — Updated on 2022-06-16


How to Cite

Fiedler, S. (2022). Communist Becomings. Revista De Humanidades De Valparaíso, (19), 411–432. (Original work published May 30, 2022)


